1) |
THE ALL IMPORTANT POEM (that they chant...) |
Normie Burns took an axe
Gave his mother 40 whacks,
When she saw what he had done,
She said proudly, "that's my son!"
1a) Suggestion: Say it out once SOFTLY, and then immediately in LOUD, EVIL VOICE!
1b) The introduction to a Flash Mob including some examples etc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_mob
2) |
WHO: 4 girls (no preference to nationality or color, as long as they are comfortable in the "Dorothy" outfit... they're welcome).
3) |
COSTUME: Dorothy costume (a la Wizard of Oz).. see Google Images for costume ideas.
4) |
Where and how to reharse? We want them to not be too FRIENDLY because they are making the dark side of Norm Burns "memorable" - being funny about it is going to spoil the fun!
5) |
WHERE? It is in Stanford campus, should be easier for all of us to plan. More details coming soon...
6) |
HOW OFTEN? Once every 30 or 60 minutes at a different location... wherever they show up and do the Flash Mob, if they can use chalk to stencil "4=DEATH" on the ground under their feet, that can stay when they leave.
7) |
Involving the audience: we need to do this once in front of the audience so they know what is going on...
8) |
Video - on location we want to capture the Flash Mob in action on video... we can use this online on YouTube etc. later and also on the Carma DVD and other extras.